llustrated selections is a project that born of mi own conflict between art and commercial illustration.
Illustrated selections is the name of the spanish illustrators agency of the decade of 60s- 70s and 80 s. This agency was directed by the catalan editor Joseph toutain, thanks his international relationships he got some of his illustrators did works for the USA and obtain international recognition . Making comics as Vampirella (Jose Gonzalez) or Conan the barbarian (Esteban Maroto). Many or these drawing were so good that could be in a museum, Neverthless this illustrators where not seen as artists. but where seen as creators of consume products part of popular culture as can be the videogame artist today or Cartoonist, and form part of called minor art or craft art. My project raises the question: What is the barrier beetween the art and the commercial illustration? if there is one? In this project, my objetive is enrich my personal imaginary following this illustration school, imagining myself as one of that group of illustrators. But the objetive do not to create a popular consumer product or emulate the great work of those illustrators. but the goal is ampliate my own artistic look. I think the difference beeteen artist and illustrator if any, would not be in aesthetics, but how to raise the content of this work and that fundamentally, an illustrator is somewere who draws a script or text writen by other person. The project is structured according a non fiction history about as i am employed for the company a how I like overcoming some the different laboral periods of the same: The trial period, trainee, temporary contracts and permanent contracts.